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Smart assistants that handle your work tasks via email

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نحوه استفاده از هوش مصنوعی Qex AI

Set up smart assistants that can read, understand, and send emails, help with daily tasks, communicate with customers/vendors/stakeholders, perform marketing and administrative functions, and more

ویژگی های Qex AI

{`description`: `Qex AI assistants use the smartest AI models currently available and are trained on a huge body of human knowledge.`, `feature_name`: `Really Smart Assistants`}{`description`: `Set up each AI assistant with their own mailbox and assign them plain English instructions to handle emails.`, `feature_name`: `Email Handling`}{`description`: `Restrict assistants to processing emails from specific senders to avoid wasting resources.`, `feature_name`: `Email Lock Lists`}{`description`: `Assistants can copy multiple parties on replies, useful for monitoring or involving multiple stakeholders in conversations.`, `feature_name`: `Copy Multiple Parties`}{`description`: `Schedule responses at a specific time, useful for follow-ups or time-sensitive communication.`, `feature_name`: `Delayed Responses`}{`description`: `No response required for certain emails based on predefined instructions.`, `feature_name`: `No Responses`}{`description`: `Assistants benefit from 8k token contexts, allowing for handling of lengthy email threads.`, `feature_name`: `Long Contexts`}{`description`: `Assistants can download and read email PDF attachments, incorporating the information in their replies.`, `feature_name`: `PDF Attachments`}{`description`: `Assistants can browse websites or perform web searches to gather information for their instructions.`, `feature_name`: `Web Browsing`}{`description`: `Set up as many assistants as needed, each capable of handling unlimited emails.`, `feature_name`: `Unlimited Assistants + Emails`}{`description`: `Get started with a free trial and no credit card required. Cancel the subscription anytime with no contracts.`, `feature_name`: `Start Free, Cancel Anytime`}{`description`: `Prepay for usage charges by depositing funds in the usage credit. No surprise usage bills.`, `feature_name`: `Never Any Billing Surprises`}{`description`: `You own your data at all times, and Qex AI does not keep copies of your incoming/outgoing emails.`, `feature_name`: `Data Privacy`}

موارد استفاده از Qex AI

1tier 1 customer support
2sending personalized email marketing campaigns
3sending cold emails tailored to target customers
4reviewing outgoing emails for policy compliance
5requesting feedback and reviews from customers
6order confirmation follow-ups
7debt collection
8IT support desk

بیشترین استفاده از Qex AI

بزرگان تکنولوژی در مورد هوش مصنوعی چه می گویند

ری کورزویل

تا سال 2045، هوش مصنوعی از هوش انسانی پیشی خواهد گرفت.

نیک بوستروم

هوش مصنوعی می‌تواند آخرین اختراع بشریت باشد.

جک ما

هوش مصنوعی می تواند به ما در درک بهتر انسان کمک کند.

سوالات متداول هوش مصنوعی Qex AI

Qex AI دستیار متن و نوشتار است و شما می توانید با کمک آن سرعت انجام کارهای خود را به صورت قابل توجهی افزایش دهید.

با استفاده از این ابزار می‌توانید سرعت انجام کارهای خود را به طور قابل‌توجهی افزایش دهید.

برای اطلاع از هزینه ها می توانید بخش پلن ها در این صفحه را مطالعه یا به بخش راهنمای Qex AI مراجعه کنید.

ابزارهای مرتبط هوش مصنوعی با Qex AI


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Docsie 2.0

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Outreach AI Assistant – ConnectFlux.ai

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